Monday, 25 February 2019

Steph's Spooky Character

Does a bat count as a spooky character?  Well, I say it's a vampire, shapeshifted, so I'm going with it.  Spooky House only got one evening this month, but that was enough to finish the (partial) page and even do most of the backstitching.
Happy Haunting friends!  


Anonymous said...

Lovely progress!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Nice shoehorn this month! The bat looks very striking against the large moon.

Gwen said...

Love your Haunted House and Spooky bat.

Khristine Doiron said...

Totally a spooky character! :) Looking good!

Unknown said...

I never thought about doing the back stitching as I go along. I am currently faced with a small project that has an unbelievable amount of back stitching. I left this to the end and now I regret it because I am getting sloppy. I don't mind back stitching, but I have been doing it continuously for 4 days straight! Lovely piece. I may get it. Eventually. I have a backlog of projects that haven't even been started.

Margi Lebold said...

You do such lovely work! This project is awesome.