
Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Jo's August Ornament

This is the second in the Just Nan set of Moon Riders, a little ghostie Nan called Jasper:

I used a piece of my favourite 32 count lavender evenweave for this and the recommended DMC, except for the moon which I changed to DMC 4090, a variegated thread and the green in the scarf.  The charted colour didn't show very well so I used the darker green from Jack's waistcoat.  I also changed the plain border to a stripy one.


For those of you on Facebook, there are two different Hallowe'en groups you might like to join in with.  The first was set up last year and is simply called Halloween Cross Stitching and is a group which showcases Hallowe'en stitching of any kind.  People have also shared their spooky decorations and recipes.

The second group is a brand new one called Pumpkin Seed Stitchers.  Each month there will be an exclusive freebie by a different designer.  There are some familiar names on the list and some new to me.  Here is the link to the full list. This should be an exciting year!  It would be a nice co-incidence if any of the free designs matched our themes.  This month's does have a little ghost in it so feel free to stitch it for August.


  1. Very cute ghostie. I like it on that fabric.
    If I hadn't already picked my ghost for the month, I would stitch the one from fb. I love it. It's on my list ....

  2. Your ornament is lovely!!
    Thanks for that groups!!

  3. Your little ghost and pumpkin is so darn cute!! Thank you for the FB links - have joined both groups!
    I must do a post this weekend to show you where I am up to my Halloween stitching :o)
    Hugs xx
