
Friday, 28 February 2014

The Count

Hi Everyone, Thanks Jo for the invite. I saw Cathi's January post and thought this would be a good forum to help me work on one of my UFOs., Behind the Gate. With some good stitching mojo and inspiration from the group hopefully I will have at least 9 stitched by 31 Oct..

This month I worked on The Count.:
Behind the Gate, Blue Ribbon Designs
40ct Sugared Ginger
(This is not a good representation of the fabric it is a much sweeter orange.)

TheresaM I hope you don't mind if I CASE your finish, the blood drop is a very clever idea.

In Stitches,


  1. That's a great looking vampire, Gwen!

  2. Welcome to the blog!!
    Love your count!!

  3. I love your vampire. He's adorably spooky.

  4. Great way to finish your UFO! Love your Count :o)

  5. This is a really good idea instead of stitching individual ornies, make one big piece. I hope the themes fit in well.

    The Vampire is a great start.

  6. I don't think I mind! I can guess but I haven't come across the term CASE before! Love your green vampire and the fabric is gorgeous.

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